A massive country spread out around the Tropic of Cancer with endlessly varied landscapes from scorched deserts to snow-capped peaks, it makes sense Mexico lands in the top 10 coffee-producing countries.
Mexican coffee comes from four growing regions with about 40% of all coffee produced classified as high-altitude coffee:
Chiapas and Oaxaca are the high-altitude regions and produce Altura coffee, which is Spanish of “high grown.” It’s distinctively light-bodied with subtle nuttiness, but the specific notes depend on the region. Chiapas is along the Mexico-Guatemala border and shares many of the same characteristics as a fine Guatemalan roast, which has much more international notoriety than its Mexican counterpart. Coffee from Chiapas often is sold under the name Tapachula.
While there are some Mexican single-origin coffees, most beans grown are used in blends and sold to Europe, making quality Mexican Arabicas harder to find in the States.