Dominican Coffee Beans

Region: Caribbean
Profile: Earthy, creamy
Production: 53 million lbs (0.3% global production)
Global Rank: 28
Varieties: 99% Arabica, 1% Robusta, 0% Liberica
Dominican Republic

Dominican Coffee Overview

Coffee has been the primary crop among small lot farmers in the Dominican Republic since 1715 when it was introduced by Spanish colonists. The country has a lush, tropical, mountainous landscape stretching to 5,000 feet high that makes it perfect for Arabica.

There are six major coffee-growing regions in this small island nation:

  • Cibao Valley
  • Bani
  • Azua
  • San Jose de Ocoa
  • Barahona
  • Juncalito

The Cibao Valley in the north produces coffees with a full body and subtle earthiness.

San Jose de Ocoa produces strong Robust coffee while Barahona and Juncatilo have steady climates that produce balanced, fruitier coffees.

Dominican Coffee Beans: Detailed Review

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About The Coffee Maven
bryan de luca
Bryan De Luca

I'm Bryan but most people know me as The Coffee Maven. I grew up outside Boston, Massachusetts and received my Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry from Providence College. My first introduction to coffee was during my college days, when I used it as a source of caffeine to fuel late-night study sessions, but soon I became obsessed with the chemistry of coffee. How did changes to water temperature or contact time affect its taste? Why do beans from Africa taste fruity while beans from Indonesia taste spicy? I launched The Coffee Maven in February 2017 to explore these questions and help others brew their perfect cup. Welcome to my site, and thanks for reading!
